Over the past few months we have continued our community involvement. We have reached out to the Pines Nursing Home and the Camden Community Centre. While times have been lonely and difficult for the members of these facilities we have brightened up their days in many different ways. We drew pictures and participated in a video concert for the residents of The Pines Nursing Home. They were so grateful. We received some coloured in pictures from them with lots of thank you messages, how lovely!

We created more art for the members of the Camden Community Centre and they were so impressed with our art work, it was lovely to receive some photos back of the members with our masterpieces. Recently we sent through some paper ‘hugs’ for the Community Centre to mail out to their members.

During this tricky time, we have continued to keep our community spirit alive. It is so wonderful to be able to build connections and relationships throughout the hardship of COVID-19.